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1996 - My world is upside down

A life changing crisis and a tape reading that makes its way 9000 km across the planet.

turning point
1996 during my further training as a yoga and meditation teacher on KOH Samui:
A friend with a fatal diagnosis asked me for a reading over distance.
After a very upsetting meditation experience, I made my first on a cassette.

Thousands of energy readings have been going around the world for 26 years.
I created cassettes in loving detail work,
before there even existed CDs and MP3 links.
I divided my readings in sub-chapters, inserted music and answered the questions of all those searchers.
BE part of this great magical energy field!

... the whole story
May you too find courage and trust for your happy path to success with heart.
My CallingRosita Leon
00:00 / 04:24
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